Do antibiotics have any role in viral outbreaks?
Since viruses live and multiply only within a cell, antibiotics are of no value against diseases caused by viruses. This is because antibiotics cannot penetrate into the cell and kill the virus. Bacteria, on the other hand, mostly multiply outside the cells. Therefore, antibiotics can be successfully used to treat bacterial diseases in poultry. However, antibiotics are sometimes given in viral disease outbreaks to prevent secondary infections with bacteria like E. coli.

Why antibiotics do increases mortality in viral outbreaks?
Not all antibiotics increases mortality in viral outbreaks, there are some popular antibiotics which increases mortality. Similarly not all viral diseases are susceptible to intensify with antibiotics. There are some combinations which are lethal and should be avoided. For example IBD and nephropathogenic strain of Infectious Bronchitis virus cause damage to the kidneys which is major reason for mortality in these diseases. Some popular antibiotics like colistin, gentamicin, tylosin and levofloxacin also known for nephrotoxicity and when given in IBD or IB they increases mortality.

How should we manage viral outbreak, how to decide whether to give antibiotic or not?
It is only possible when diagnosis of the disease is correct. Farmer should always take help of qualified veterinary doctors in arriving any decision. Most of the time it is seen in field that farmers makes blunder in treatment and suffers huge loses in conditions which could be easily manageable by ordinary medicines. All antibiotics have side effects and some are become less functional because of excess usage like enrofloxacin. Penicillin group of antibiotics are rather safe to use in first aid case. And remember that antibiotic do not attack virus it only reduce bacterial infection (if occur) due to viral disease. Antibiotics should always be used on prescription of doctor because proper dose is necessary which only a doctor can tell.
To conclude, as viruses use the machinery of the host cell for reproduction, it becomes necessary to stop that machinery being used to prevent growth of the virus. Otherwise, it would damage those cells that are being targeted by that virus. This, in turn, would harm chicken. As antibiotics are of no help in treating the viral infections, the most practical way to control the viral diseases in poultry and prevent losses is through timely vaccination.
When antibiotics failed to check mortality! How does viral infection causes mortality?
To understand this we have to understand the response of body against any infection. All viruses are evolved to work inside cells and they are like other dead particles outside the cells. Immune cells of the body continuously patrolling the body and looking for any invader (bacteria or viruses). If they found any infecting particle they start recognizing it and destroy it. For successful infection, viruses have to escape immune system surveillance and to enter inside cell. While infecting cells they use variety of mechanisms.
there are 2 points
- virus have to escape immune cells
- immune cells works hard to find virus and destroy it

This delicate balance decides whether infection will occur or not. Fight between these 2 candidates is not so easy, both the candidates (immune cells and viruses) fight intensively. Through complex signaling mechanisms (cytokines and interleukins) immune cells try to invite and recruit other immune cells. Basically, these chemicals cause immune reactions which are very severe and destroy body’s own cells. This is called as cytokine storm based cellular damage and mainly responsible for death.

Death by cytokine storm is very much similar in all viral diseases whether it is in mammals or birds, although underlying immune mechanism and pathological reactions may be somewhat different.

Viral Outbreaks in Poultry and Their Management
Herbal products against viral outbreaks – An Investigation
Immunology of poultry birds – basics of avian immunology
Why vaccine failure occurs in poultry?
Practical use of knowledge of the avian immune system
Ethnoveterinary Medicine (EVM) and Viral Challenges in Poultry – Lessons from Field
Phytobiotics as strategic antiviral compounds – an advanced herbal science
Do not go for every herbal-labelled product that claims successful treatment
This is just an example that how we can explore potential antiviral herbs. During the above exploration, I came across many surprisingly unique points of avian immunology along with herbs and molecules that could effectively regulate it. With the help of the above information, I designed a product named VIROCON a few years back which controls mortalities in severe viral outbreaks. I mean it is really possible to save birds sometimes through knowledge of immunology and special intervention in the light of scientific evidence.
Note: above-quoted information is my own opinion backed by proven research and available scientific knowledge. Viral diseases in poultry is a non-ending subject in which research is going on and according to some experts, we do not even know 50% of all the diseases affecting poultry. New emerging viral diseases and modifications in existing strains make it more difficult to treat and control viral outbreaks by poultry health service providers. This is not the end of the document, I am exploring new things and adding to this document in future, INSHALLAH.
Dr Ibne Ali running ‘Ali Veterinary Wisdom’ with the sole purpose of educating poultry and livestock farmers. We try to help farmers by advising them during disease outbreaks, regarding the prevention of viral diseases, biosecurity planning, feed formulation, toxicity management and farm auditing.