Online certificate course for dairy farmers & new entrepreneurs
Modern Dairy Practices
About The Course – The certificate course on modern dairy practices is designed to teach scientific aspects of dairy farming in the easiest possible way through AV aids & easy to understand notes in Hindi & English.
For registration in the online certificate course on “Modern Dairy Practices,” you will find a google form link below.
The course is completely theoretical and not practical or has no farm demonstration.
Seats – 40 (when 40 participants enrolled for the course, training will be started, most probably in the last week of September or the first week of October)
Timing – 8:15PM to 10PM
Fees – 2500/- INR
Requirements – good quality headphones, fully charged smartphone with WhatsApp and zoom app downloaded, pen, notebook, place without disturbance.
Mode of training – Training will be purely online and mainly Zoom and WhatsApp-based interaction will take place. Written English & Hindi notes (pdf) of most of the topics (not all topics) will be given. Proper pictures, audio and videos will be given (where they seem necessary for a better understanding of the topic).
Animal Treatment Information – The basic idea of veterinary medicine with necessary medicines (brands) for first aid of different emergency conditions will be given.
Language – English/Hindi both
Interested candidates who are willing to join by registering on this link
The following topics (tentative) would be covered.
Breeds – H.F, Jersey, Cross Bred, Buffaloes (Murrah)
Housing of Animals – high cost sheds, low cost sheds, heat stress management (animal cooling system), heat stress indices, site selection, types of housing (closed housing & loose housing) – tail to tail, head to head, advantages and disadvantages, construction details, flooring, floor space – drains & channels, pillars & walls, roof, feeding & water trough, farm gate, passage & fences, manure disposal, disposal of carcass.
Biosecurity (Sanitation & Disinfection) – use of physical agents (flame guns, UV rays etc.), chemical agents
Lifecycle of dairy cows (HF and Jersey)
Care & Management of newborn calves(0d to 2.5m of age), colostrum feeding, the importance of colostrum (timing), preservation of colostrum for later use, effects of inadequate colostrum intake, Q3C rule, system of calf rearing, feeding systems, digestion in calves, problems with milk substitutes, disease of calves (scouring/ diarrhea, acidosis, septicemia, rotavirus, coronavirus, cryptosporidium, E.coli, salmonella) their treatment, Navel problems (navel ill, joint ill) calf diphtheria, meningitis,
Weaned calf (above 2.5m) – digestive problems (pot bellies, bloat, cocci, NE) pneumonia, muscular dystrophy, meningitis, tetanus, lead poisoning, polio encephalomyelitis, stones
Feeding of calves, nutrient requirements, milk feeding schedule, milk feeding with calf starter, milk replacer, calf starter, roughage feeding, general management practices.
Heifer management – Growth targets, weight, height & BCS, Nutrient requirement of growing HF heifers, Feed formulation, common causes of failure to thrive (parasites, trace mineral deficiencies, inadequate feed, viral disease, clostridial diseases, udder problems etc.), use of dewormers, vaccination, reproduction management of dairy heifers, ovysynch protocol in heifers,
Lactating cow – Nutrition, feed formulation, requirement tables, lactation curve
Constituting a new farm – purchasing new animals, brucella in new herds, signs of healthy animals , transportation, quarantine, testing during quarantine, age determination,
Economically important management problems – Managing mastitis, lameness, calving procedures, milk fever, hypomagnesemia, ketosis, fatty liver, rumen acidosis, endometritis,
Fertility and it’s control – cost of missed heat, calving interval, estrus cycle, pregnancy, action of fertility drugs, cystic ovaries, pregnancy detection, heat detection, estrous synchronisation, conception rates, poor heat detection, fertility issues in buffaloes, timing of insemination,
Special interventions – deworming, vaccinations, ectoparasite control,
Common infections of dairy animals – LSD management, Thelieria, Trypanosoma, Babesia, Anaplasma, FMD, Haemorrhagic septicaemia, Black quarter, Brucellosis, Infectious bovine
Treatment of common diseases –Important supplements – Macro minerals, trace minerals, vitamins, bypass protein, bypass fat, galactagogues,
Some useful things – project making, dairying in coastal areas, how to read semen straw, how to read bull details, some basic rules of breeding,
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