Broilers are genetically developed and selected for a fast growth rate. Due to high production traits, broilers have very weak immunity and they required very sound management and balanced nutrition.

Many farmers found it difficult to raise broiler stock without any disease and many times birds get disease in early life and mortality starts from the very first week of life.
Here IMN Pyrophos develops a customized medicine schedule for broiler farmers. By using this schedule they can keep whole life mortality under 2% and get the best possible FCR as per the quality of feed.
Day 1 Morning: Easy Brood(3g per 100 Chicks in drinking water) Evening: Easy Brood(3g per 100 chicks) + Goutster(1g per 100 chicks in drinking water) |
Day 2 Morning: Easy Brood (4g per 100 Chicks)+ Remipro (1g per 100 Chicks) Evening: Goutster (1.2g per 100 chicks) +Easy Brood (4g per 100 Chicks) in same water |
Day 3 Morning: Easy Brood (6g per 100 Chicks in drinking water) Evening: Alcaeu (1.2g per 100Chicks in drinking Water) |
Day 4 Morning: Pyroliv DS(1g per 100 chicks) + Nexamune (1g per 100 chicks) in the same water Evening: Alcaeu (1.4g per 100Chicks in drinking Water) |
Day 5 Morning: VitADEN H (1.7ml per 100 chicks) + Goutster(1.5g per 100 chicks) in the same water Evening: Remipro (1.5g per 100 chicks) + Nexamune (1.5g per 100chicks ) in the same water |
Day 6 Morning: Vaccination B1 (venky) eye drop or (ND+IB from Intervet) Evening: Grotek (2.2g per 100 chicks)+Nexamune (2g per 100chicks) |
Day 7 Morning: Septima 3.3g per 100chicks in drinking water Evening: Pyroliv DS(2g per 100 chicks) + Grotek (2.2g per 100chicks) |
Day 8 Morning: Grotek (3g per 100chicks in drinking water)+ Remipro (3g per 100chicks) Evening: Pyroliv DS(3g per 100birds) in drinking water |
Day 9 Morning: Grotek (3.25 per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Remipro(3.7g per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 10 Morning: Nexamune (3.5g per 100birds) Evening: Goutster (3g per 100birds) |
Day 11 Morning: Pyroliv DS(3.5g per 100birds) Evening: Virocon (6.7g per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 12 Morning: Remipro (4g per 100birds) + Grotek (4 per 100birds) Evening: Goutster (4.3g per 100 chicks) |
Day 13 Morning: Remipro (4.2g per 100birds) + Nexamune (5g per 100birds) Evening: Respoze (4.5g per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 14 Morning: Gumboro Vaccine after vaccine give Nexamune (7.5g per 100birds) Evening: VitADEN (7.7ml per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 15 Morning: Alcaeu (7g per 100birds in drinking Water) Evening: Nexamune (8g per 100birds in drinking Water)+ Virocon (9.8g per 100birds) |
Day 16 Morning: Grotek (6.8g per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Remipro (5.8g per 100birds in drinking water) + Goutster (5g per 100birds) |
Day 17 Morning: Grotek (7g per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Respoze (6g per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 18 Morning: Grotek (7.5g per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Pyroliv DS(7g per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 19 Morning: Septima (11.8g per 100birds in drinking Water) Evening: Goutster (6.5g per 100birds) + Remipro (7g per 100birds) |
Day 20 Morning: Septima (13g per 100birds in drinking Water) Evening: Nexamune (16g per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 21 Morning: Vaccination Lasota, after vaccination Nexamune (17g per 100birds ) Evening: Remipro (8g per 100birds) |
Day 22 Morning: Anticoccidial (Rancox/Supercox) 1g per liter water Evening: Septima 1g per liter in drinking water water |
Day 23 Morning: Virocon (15g) per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Pyroliv DS(10g per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 24 Morning: Grotek(12g per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Respoze (11.5g per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 25 Morning: Goutster (13.75g per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Pyroliv DS(13.5g per 100birds in drinking water) Note: If after 25 day of age (i.e. 1kg body weight), problem of sound and mild crd occurs in flock is seen then Virocon (1g per 5kg body weight) in 3 hour fresh drinking water and if mortality, then use Alcaeu+Respoze (each 1g per 5kg body weight) after Virocon in 3 hour fresh drinking water. |
Day 26 Morning: Alcaeu (18g per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Respoze (13.5g per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 27 Morning: Grotek (18.3g per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Remipro (15g per 100birds) + VitADEN H (18.2ml per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 28 Morning: Remipro (15g per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Respoze (14g per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 29 Morning: Alcaeu (20g per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Septima (21g per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 30 Morning: Virocon (24g per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Plain water |
Day 31 Morning: Grotek (15g per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Remipro (15g per 100birds) Note: If anyhow ascites problem is still seen in flock then use Ascitocare @1g per 4kg body weight in drinking water and hold feed in night from 8-11PM and 2-6AM. |
Day 32 Morning: Plain water Evening: Pyroliv DS (14g per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 33 Morning: Goutster (12g per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Virocon (28g per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 34 Morning: Remipro (15g per 100birds) Evening: Plain water |
Day 35 Morning: Goutster (20g per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Plain water |
Day 36 Morning: Pyroliv DS(19g per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Goutster (20g per 100birds in drinking water) |
Day 37 Morning: Plain water Evening: Coolant(2g per lit water) |
Day 38 Morning: Goutster(20ml per 100birds in drinking water) Evening: Coolant (2g per lit water) Now you can use normal freshwater, but ensure that there is not a problem with E.coli. You can continue to use Ecomac @ 1ml/2lit water |
Day 39 to 42 Plain water In place of plain water acidifier Ecomac could be used to reduce risk of infection @ 1ml per 2liter water. प्लेन पानी की जगह पानी में इकोमैक 1ml per 2liter के हिसाब से मिलाया जा सकता है जिससे इन्फेक्शन के चांस काफी कम हो जाते हैं| |
For 100 birds (total in 42 days, approximately)
- Easy Brood – 20g
- Goutster – 89g
- Pyroliv – 73g
- Remipro – 84g
- Alcaeu – 48g
- Septima – 66g
- Grotek – 82g
- Virocon – 81g
- Respoze – 50g
- Nexamune – 62g
- VitADEN H – 28ml
- Coolant – 100g
- Please give medicine according to calculated dose given here do not exceed or reduce dose for best results
- This is schedule for broilers and in suitable management conditions of quality chicks and feed this medicine schedule keep mortality under 2% maximum. Gives FCR of 1.6 at 2.5Kg. You will get 190 to 200g on 7th day and 1Kg on 22nd day.
- Once you bring this package you will not need to purchase any medicine from outside. This schedule cuts 40% costs occurred on medicine.
- When you will start using it, you will get in contact with us for further technical support.